HT-20T HF Transportable Short Range Antenna 2 Element 2-30 MHz
Frequency Range: 2-30 MHz Gain: (2 MHz) -16.9 MHz, (30 MHz) -3.0 dBi VSWR: 2.0:1 max Polarization: Primarily Horizontal Pattern: Omnidirectional Deployed Size: 27′ x 85′ x 85′ H L W
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The HT-20T is a lightweight transportable HF antenna that provides excellent radiation characteristics for short range 0 to 300 mile circuits. The HT-20T uses two elements mounted orthogonally on the mast. The antenna can be used for transmitting and /or receiving simultaneously with approximately 30 dB isolation between the elements. The lightweight rugged design and quick erection features are ideal for meeting rapid deployment requirements. The installed geometry minimizes land area usage and permits installation in the space constraints typically encountered in an operational area.
The key to the transportable design is the lightweight telescoping mast which collapses to a transport length of 63 inches for ease of storage and handling.
The primary mode of propagation is HF Near Vertical Incident Skywave (NVIS) with the maximum radiation directed toward the zenith. The antenna provides broadband operation in the 2-30 Mhz frequency range with a maximum VSWR of 2:1. The 50 ohm input impedance is achieved by a mast-top mounted hybrid feeding the dipole elements. The antenna is rated at 1 kW average, 2 kW PEP input power.
Equipment Supplied:
Equipment supplied includes the telescoping mast, element wires, balun, terminations, accessory kit and canvas carrying bag.
Frequency Range: 4-30 MHz
Gain: 5 dBi
VSWR: 2:1 max
Polarization: Vertical
Pattern: Omnidirectional
Size: 58' H, 225' D
Military Nomenclature: n/a
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Four independent LPV-1215 antennas arranged in a rosette configuration about a single tower.
Frequency Range: 7.2-30 MHz
Gain: 12 dBi
VSWR: 2:1 Max
Polarization: Vertical
Size: 84' H x 118' W
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Frequency Range: 2-30, 4-30, 4-30, 2-30, 2-30 MHz
Gain: 7, 7, 7, 7, 9-12 dBi
VSWR: 2:1, 3.5:1 max, 2:1, 2:1, 2.5:1
Polarization: Elliptical, Vertical, Horizontal, Elliptical, Horizontal
Pattern: Omni, Omni, Omni, Omni, Directional
Size: 106' H x 100' L x 100' W
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Frequency Range: 3.9-30 MHz
Gain: 2 dBi
VSWR: 2:1 max
Polarization: Vertical
Pattern: Omnidirectional
Size: 45.5' H, 233' D
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Frequency Range: 3-30 MHz
Gain: 2 dBi
VSWR: 2:1 max
Polarization: Vertical
Pattern: Omnidirectional
Size: 61.5' H, 315' D
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Frequency Range: 2.5-30 MHz
Gain: 2 dBi
VSWR: 2:1 max
Polarization: Vertical
Pattern: Omnidirectional
Size: 71.5' H, 366' D
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Frequency Range: 960-1215 MHz (instantaneous bandwidth)
Gain (Main Beam): 9.5 dBi typical, 8.5 dBi minimum
VSWR (max): 1.8:1 max (50 Ω)
Polarization: Vertical
Main Beam Elevation Pattern: Beam Peak 3.5°+1.5° above the horizon
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Not finding what you're looking for? We can custom-build antennas to your exact specifications.
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