VT-10 VHF Transportable Tactical Antenna Omni 30-88 MHz

Frequency Range: 30-88 MHz
Gain: 2 dBi
VSWR: 2.5:1 max
Polarization: Vertical
Pattern: Omnidirectional
Deployed Time: 1 Person, less than 5 minutes

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The VT-10 is a lightweight, militarized, vertically polarized omnidirectional VHF antenna specifically designed for use in transportable applications. The antenna has an instantaneous bandwidth of 30-88 Mhz, making it compatible with VHF and frequency hopping radios. When elevated to 30 feet, it is well suited for either ground-to-air or point-to-point communications paths.


The antenna features a lightweight yet rugged configuration that stores in less than 0.6 cubic feet of space and is rapidly deployable. A fiberglass radome totally encloses the radiating element. The base contains the matching unit and provides the socket interface for a mast. The lower radials are spring loaded and do not have to be removed when the antenna is disassembled.

Optional Equipment:

Telescoping mast.

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